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Woodbrook Vale School

Woodbrook Vale School

Ski Trip 2018

During the Easter break, 35 Year 9 students travelled to the Italian Alps for an enjoyable week of skiing.

Most of the group this year were novices and had never skied before. Due to Easter being early this year, the snow conditions were perfect for skiing. One evening we visited the nearby town of Bormio where students practised their Italian by asking for an ice cream.

One of the highlights of the evening events was the tobogganing where the students competed against each other. The objective of going down the slope in a straight line proved to be somewhat difficult for most of the students! We witnessed many 45 degree angles and one student even managed a 180 degree turn!

It was undoubtedly another successful trip with everybody's skiing skills having progressed by the end of the week. On the last day, all of the groups skied from the top of the mountain (Sunny Valley) to the village at the bottom.

Click below to see the video.