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Woodbrook Vale School

Woodbrook Vale School

Business Studies

The GCSE in Business Studies in industry relevant, geared to key sector requirements and very popular with schools and colleges because it suits such a broad range of learning styles and abilities. Business skills are essential for success in employment and provide funamental knowledge required by employers, in addition to providing transferable skills for future study.

Summary of the topics students will cover:

Students need to complete three units of work to gain a GCSE grade.  All units are mandatory.

  • Setting up a business
  • Growing as a business
  • Investigating businesses

Should I take GCSE Business Studies?

  • Unit 1 - This unit introduces students to issues concerning the setting up and operation of a business.  It explores the activities of business and the reasons for success or failure.  It encourages students to appreciate that businesses must operate within society and that this involves businesses engaging with a wide range of stakeholders who will hold differing perspectives.

  • Unit 2 - This unit goes into more depth about how a business operates and some fo the challenges in the commercial world.

  • Unit 3 - This provides students with the opportunity to investigate how a business runs and how it becomes successful.  This where the theory is put into practice.

Teaching Strategies

GCSE Business Studies is an academic qualification that takes an engaging, practical and inspired approach to studying business.  Theory, problem solving and working in a team are all important parts of the course.


The first two units are assessed through a one hour written exam.  Unit 3 requires students to complete an assessed task under timed conditions in school and then is externally moderated by AQA.

Beyond GCSE

Studying and succeeding in GCSE Business Studies can lead to students studying the following at A-Level:

  • Business Studies
  • Economics
  • Accounting

Further information about the units and the methods of assessment will be available by visiting the AQA website at