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Woodbrook Vale School

Woodbrook Vale School

Home Learning

Year 11 Activities - Bridging (Transition) Work

All the post-16 providers send out Bridging (Transition) work so you can be well prepared for starting your new courses in September. This should be completed as it is great preparation for your new courses and the post-16 providers expect it to be completed. Sometimes you may change your mind about the course you want to follow - this sometimes happens after you get your results. The post-16 providers know this and can provide the Bridging (Transition) work for your new subjects if you change your mind. If you have any questions then please get in touch with your provider - the contact details for the main providers can be found below:

Loughborough College

De Lisle College

Rawlins Academy

Charnwood College

There could be up to 14 weeks from your last day at Woodbrook Vale and your first day on your course with your new provider. It is an excellent opportunity for you to develop yourself, learn new skills and find out more about possible future careers. We have collected together some recommendations of activities to take on during the summer. These tend to be lifelong skills that will be a benefit through your whole life. Some of the skills can also be included on job or university applications. Please use the booklet below for further information.

How will Remote Learning work for students? 

During full lockdown, all remote learning will be on Google Classroom. This platform is at its best when students are turning in work and getting feedback from their teachers and interacting. We will be offering live lessons through Google Meet and would expect students to become familiar with the Acceptable Use Agreement which has been sent to parents. Our staff are fairly new to the Google Meet facility but are keen to learn and develop its use alongside our students.

During full school opening, if a student is in isolation, remote learning will be put in place in Google Classroom. Students can also visit KS3 or KS4 BBC bitesize or for lessons in their subjects.

All work for each day of lessons will be in the online classrooms at the latest by the end of the day. This will mean students will often be working on the lessons from the previous day, but it also means that when a teacher has been able to video part of the lesson, they will have access to it. (see video technology below)

Mr Hayes will support with any remote learning issues:


Parents and carers should be aware that live lessons will be made available on Google Classroom and students will receive invites. Wherever possible they should log on at the correct time. All students who plan to log in should read the Acceptable Use Document here.

Google Meet Protocol

Students and parents should be aware a recording will be made during a live lesson and made available later that day. Sometimes another video will be made available such as a link to another teachers’ video on the topic being taught or a link to the  Oak Academy video content which the government has endorsed.

Is Homework Still Being Set?

You will be expected to do homework.  Homework is a valuable part of secondary education.  It allows you to practise skills learned in the classroom, to develop your ability to research, and helps you to form the habits of individual study necessary to achieve success in the later stages of your education – indeed in the rest of your life.

You will be given a homework timetable as a guide and a Student Planner.  This will enable you to plan your time in order to hand your homework in on time. The amount of homework varies according to your age and ability.  In Year 7 you will receive up to an hour a night.  This will increase each year through to Year 11.

Homework is supported by Google Classroom.  This gives you details you need to complete the work on a computer at home.


The video below will help students to log in to their classrooms and complete their work.

When you are logged into your classrooms and need more support with turning in your work or editing your work please watch this video.

Student Questions

We have had some questions recently about some of the features of Google Classroom so I have produced you a short video to explain:

  • What is the difference between ‘material’ and ‘assignments’?
  • How can I see what work is set for me and any deadlines?
  • How do I ‘turn in’ work once I have finished it so my teacher knows it is done?
  • How do I find out about when there is live input to my lessons so I can be online at the right time?

The link to the video is at…

Your family can help you by providing a peaceful place for you to do your homework, by encouraging you and valuing what you learn at home

If you have any issues accessing or logging on to any systems remotely, please email ICT Services at


Useful Websites

School Website -

Office 365 -

My Files -

Kerboodle -

Go4Schools -

School Twitter -

WBV Maths Department -

WBV PE Department - PE Exercise Videos