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Woodbrook Vale School

Woodbrook Vale School

SEND Information

Woodbrook Vale has reviewed the Special Educational Needs Policy to meet the new requirements for SEND in line with the revised SEND Code of Practice which came into effect from 1 September 2014. SEN Support Plans or an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) will replace the current system of Statements and students previously identified on the schools SEN register as school action or school action plus will be supported under the categories of SEN support, unless an EHCP is in place. The process of conversion of statements to EHCP’s  has begun and is due to be completed in all Leicestershire schools by 1 April 2018.

Our SEN policy, accessibility plan and information report are reviewed annually and are available to view on this website. The Local Authority website also provides information about the Leicestershire local offer to young people and families regarding health, education and social care.

Please read at the SEN information report to find out more about how Woodbrook Vale will support children with Special Educational Needs.

If you have any questions or concerns about your child with relation to a Special Educational Need please contact the school SEN Co-Ordinator (SENCO) Mr Graham Johnson via email or telephone at 01509 557560.

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