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Woodbrook Vale School

Woodbrook Vale School

School Day

Morning registration is at 8.30am.  The lunch break starts at 12.25pm and afternoon registration is at 1.20pm.  For students the formal school day ends at 3.00pm. 

The HUB and other activities continue after school.

There are six 50 minute lessons each day – providing 25 hours of lessons each week.

8.30am - 8.45am

8.45am - 9.35am

9.35am - 10.25am

10.45am - 11.35am

11.35am - 12.25pm

1.20pm - 2.10pm

2.10pm - 3.00pm

Morning Registration

Period 1

Period 2

Period 3

Period 4

Period 5

Period 6

Lunches are provided in a cafeteria style system which offers a wide choice of good quality food.   The high quality of our lunches helped us gain the Healthy Schools Mark.  If your parents prefer, with permission you may go home for lunch or bring a packed lunch to school.

At break time drinks and snacks are available from the Canteen.

During break and lunch time you will be looked after by lunchtime supervisors, learning support assistants and teachers.  There is a wide variety of sporting, musical and other activities for you to enjoy at lunchtime and the library is available for you to read or tackle homework.

There is a Year Assembly each week and on other days your Form Tutor will lead your Tutor Group in a short period of reflection about the ‘Quote for the Week’. Your parents may ask to withdraw you from assemblies, but since the school takes a non-denominational and informal approach, this rarely happens.