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Woodbrook Vale School

Woodbrook Vale School

Personal Development

Personal Development is delivered through a number of different avenues at Woodbrook Vale School. Year 7 and Year 11 have timetabled Personal Development lessons as part of their weekly curriculum. This enables important topics to be discussed and content to be covered that is particularly relevant to both beginning and leaving secondary school. In years 8, 9 and 10, personal development is delivered through tutor time, drop down activities, assemblies and of course the Futures Award

Activities are designed to help students improve their awareness and identity, develop talent and potential, facilitate employability, enhance quality of life and realise dreams and aspirations. The Personal Development course incorporates lots of active and stimulating learning outcomes. Our aim is to help students become confident, independent and resilient citizens, who understand the value of community and value diversity. In developing these skills, we hope that our students are better able to make the right decisions in their future.

Careers Education

Careers Education is taught in all years, from Year 7 to Year 11. Younger students learn about their strengths and abilities, how to value and record their achievements and how decisions and choices affect their lives. Older students investigate careers and qualifications and look at life beyond school. This includes attending a careers fair where students meet local employers and representatives of further and higher education. Wherever possible, we work with local colleges and universities to provide careers enriching opportunities and visits. During the transition from year 9 to year 10, all year 9 students have the opportunity to meet with a senior member of staff to discuss their options and future pathways. All students have access to an independent careers interview, a careers library and interactive resources.

The Personal Development curriculum is organised around 4 themes, covering age appropriate issues.

  • Health and wellbeing
  • Living in the wider world
  • Relationships
  • Careers and ATL

Futures Award and Future Leaders Award

The Futures Award (year 7-9) and Future Leaders Award (year 10-11) provides a character curriculum framework which is becoming widely regarded amongst local universities, colleges and businesses as a valuable framework for learning such skills as resilience, communication, leadership and employability for example.

For further information, please see