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Woodbrook Vale School

Woodbrook Vale School

Woodbrook Vale School

Geography Field Trip ​​​​​​​

From Friday 1st March to Monday 4th March, 56 Year 11 students travelled to Norfolk for their GCSE Geography Fieldwork.

On Saturday the students had a day at the coast looking at the enquiry ‘Coastal Defences reduce risk of erosion for people at the coast’. We travelled to three locations along the coast and measured beach profiles, carried out cost benefit analysis and judged flood risk. Although a little chilly with the North Sea wind, students engaged incredibly well and had some great findings.

On Sunday, it was time for the urban fieldwork study in Norwich where students were looking at ‘What extent has retail changed Norwich over time?’. Here, techniques such as Environmental Quality Surveys and land use surveys helped to answer this question. Both days involved detailed introductory and follow up sessions where students analysed their findings and created graphs to present this.

It wasn’t all work, however! Students also had the opportunity to throw themselves (quite literally) into some activities such as the high ropes, archery and bouldering. It was amazing to see students, and staff, face their fears in the leap of faith.

The students represented WBVS impeccably and were a credit to the school. Also, a massive thank you to Miss Wilson, Mr Matthews and Mr Green for giving up their weekend to support the trip.