Catch Up
The Year 7 Catch Up Premium was introduced in 2013. This is allocated to students who did not achieve an expected standard in Maths or English at the end of Key Stage 2. This funding is allocated to support these students to improve their Maths and English levels and to try and provide the best opportunities to allow them to catch up with other students in their year group. Once again, schools are free to spend this Premium as they see fit. For 2019-20 the school has received £10111
At Woodbrook Vale we use this funding in both English and Maths. In English the funding is used towards employing a HLTA to run the literacy and numeracy intervention program to support students in Year 7. Students are withdrawn to be provided with targeted small group support. The programme raises attainment rapidly in reading and writing. The programme boosts children’s confidence by matching what they read with the sounds they know using specially created age-appropriate texts and anthologies. Read Write Inc. Fresh Start provides clear and cumulative writing activities to build vocabulary and punctuation.
In Maths the funding is used to partly fund a HLTA to withdraw low prior attaining students. The small class sizes allow the students to get the support and help they need to make increased progress.
The Pupil Premium funding is also used to support these programs as the majority of students who are in the groups are eligible for Pupil Premium funding. To see how the Pupil Premium funding is allocated please click here.
For more information click here.
For more information about the grant click here.
How the money impacted on students
In 2017-18 the school received £8889.
In 2018-19 the school received £9389
For the students who the school received the funding the reduced group sizes and additional support has allowed them to make increased progress.
Schools did not receive any more catch up funding after the academic year 2019-2020. Instead, school were issued with money through the Covid Catch Up Grant.
For the academic year 2020 2021, Woodbrook Vale School were issued £65921 with the intension of supporting any pupils following periods of lockdown and school closure. Information about this grant can be found in the document below.